Friday, October 31, 2008

Rhuematologist Visit Oct 23rd

Hi Everyone! Isabella and I went to houston to see her rhuematologist for a checkup. The doctor told me that she looked great and that he really did not have any concerns that needed to be addressed. The doctor did want to get blood work and xrays taken. Well I hadnt heard anything by Wednesday so I called the nurse and asked for results. On thursday the nurse called me back and she said isabellas CBC was low..aka her red blood count was low. We were instructed to see her pediatriciton here in San Antonio and get some new tests redone to assure that it wasnt a machine error. Nope Isabella's blood count has gone down and it is serious. This means that she is anemic and it can get worse. Today (friday) we went back to the doctor to get some results and to also see the blood doctor. The low end of CBC is like 10.5... Isabellas cbc was 6.5. So the questino is what to do now. Well they took a bunch of blood today to run tests to see why Isabellas red blood cells are being broken down quicker than her body can reproduce them. Isabella is anemic as mentioned. So we will be waiting for the blood tests today and some next week. If her CBC goes down more then we might need a blood transfusion. We go back Tuesday to repeat blood tests. This is somethingthat needs to monitored very closely as its dangerously low. Whew this is all overwhelming!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Update on Oliva Family

Hi Everyone! Well we have some updates! We finally found out where we are moving to and it's Augusta Georgia. Eddie will be apart of the 63rd Regiment at Fort Gordon. Isabella and I will be going to Hawaii on November 5th-10th. All 3 of us willcome back to san antonio on the 10th andwill leave for Georgia on the 29th of November! Wish us all good luck!
Isabella Leilani Oliva October 26th 2008. Isabella was layn on the floor coloring in her book. She was having a great time!.Arent those pig tails adorable?!?